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San Paulo, Brazil – Febuary 2019 – Delivering international arts week alongside other Brazilian artists lead by Bruno Oitoart ranging from print makers to puppet/theatre practitioners within the Brazilian Cordell style. I was responsible for creating a dragon with local participants and school children at the International British school of Brazil. 

This was such a beautiful project, orchestrated mainly by Elizabeth Deaver of Shadow … who was currently living in Brazil at the time, we have collaborated many times together, we work well as we have complementary skill sets. 

The dragon I created with the participants had beautiful scales with images printed onto them during a Cordell print making workshop. As a finished dragon it is now on show in the school dining area where the children who helped to create it can see their work every day 

Directly after the project the dragon was a lead character in their school play, the children used their puppetry skills learnt during the arts week to beautifully ‘act’ with the puppet. 

Copyright Sue Walpole 2022

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